Corporate Culture

Company slogan:

Save time, worry and effort, provide customers with high-quality diodes, rectifiers and other electronic components series products.

Company goals:

Create an excellent brand in the electronic components industry

Company purpose:

Maximizing the interests of customers, employees, and shareholders, that is, maximizing the value of the company;

Customer benefits: The use of high-quality software, thoughtful service and professional consultation has improved competitiveness and enhanced the image of individuals and enterprises;

Employee benefits: sense of honor, job satisfaction, continuous improvement and accumulation of level, skills and experience, middle-to-upper level income in the same industry, and broad development space;

Shareholder interests: tangible and intangible investment income.

Enterprise spirit:

Dedication, integrity, conscientiousness, innovation;

Dedication: Use high-quality software and services to improve the level of user network marketing. We cherish this opportunity, we respect this profession, and we are proud of it;

Integrity: treat people with sincerity, convince people with trust, guarantee the company's interests with the interests of users, and realize economic benefits with social benefits;

Responsibility: Our software design, development, testing, implementation, and service are all conscientious and meticulous;

Innovation: The essence of innovation is creative destruction. The way of innovation is creative thinking and exploration. Only through continuous self-denial and self-improvement can we create valuable products, markets, and services.

Talent view:

attitude determines everything; details makes success;

people oriented. Respect knowledge and personality;

Only achievements, not only academic qualifications, not only qualifications, not only past credits;

Provide sufficient resources to enable all employees to develop in the direction most suitable for them;

Encourage innovation and promote "performance." Improve systems and standards, and progress from being responsible for others to being responsible for things;

Encourage "thinking things", oppose "thinking people", and never allow any form of "office politics"

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